Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Sincerest thought of the day:We've been friends since I was 18...

Well my day couldn't have gone any better.Today I saw someone that i've been friends with since I was 18.The sweetest,kindest,and most caring person i've ever come across.Seeing her made me realize that there are still good people out there.It's been almost 10 years that we've know each other...and she has always been the sweetest person.I've never even seen her angry.Like ever.I cherish our friendship and I absolutely adore you.You're the best.


Monday, 29 December 2008

Sincerest thought of the day: Be grateful with what you have...

There's really not much to it.You gotta be grateful with what you DO have and don't place everything on what you DON'T have.You'll go fuckin nuts if you do.Plans change,goals take longer to get to.Doesn't mean that all is lost.It just means it's time to look over it and approach it differently.Be grateful people.


Sincerest thought of the day: N.O.R.C

Ok so as of late i've been slacking on my blogs and what not.Basically put me down for a two count.But i'm back up so it's nothing.Anyway...I was thinking about alot over the last few days.And one thing in particular is N.O.R.C (no one really cares).I thought about this mid-conversation at a hotel cafe the other day.A friend from the past whom I lost touch with is in town for an extended vacation blah blah blah.So yeah she asks me "what's wrong?"I say "nothing"of course.But eventually I told her what was wrong and maybe halfway through my explanation of the angsts of life...the conversation was somehow changed back on to her.Now it may sound selfish of me but...can't I be the main focus for once?I mean my friends always tell me that i'm easy to talk to because I listen very well.Not to toot my own horn but...it's absolutely true.I will listen for hours on end.Like really.But it seems that people forget that.We all have problems and need to vent them out.We can't always be the listener.We need to be listened to also.Well anyway it kinda upset me.And then so many other instances occured to me.Which made me think that no one really cares these days.Unless it directly affects them.We live in a "me me me" type of world.And honestly it's sad.Now this doesn't apply to everyone of course.But if the shoe fits...wear it.

That's all.I got it out of my system.Thank you for your time.


Thursday, 25 December 2008

Hollowfication: The heartless and thoughtless Leader.

I've always...even as a child...

If I didn't like something...

Or if something bothered me...

I'd cut or take it out of my life...somehow

Like while playing with toys...if I didn't like an action figures arm...I'd cut it or pull it off and replace it.Or i'd just leave him without an arm and put in some sort of storyline that he lost that arm on some sort of adventure...*smile*my brothers can vouche for me.LOL.

I bet you're wondering why i'm mentioning the above...

It is because i find it that I am still that way today at the age of 27...Only in a more extreme way.If something in my life bothers me...I cut it out...

My heart and my thoughts are a burden on me at the moment...So I cut them out...I will have no part of me acting out against me without such punishment.It may sound strange but that's ok.I only expect you to understand...if you've been in my shoes...

So with that being said...I am now ready for the battle that becons me to come forward.As if to mock me. "You shall not succeed"



Is that so?



Yet still able to love and think with a clear conscious?


You know not what you're up against...


Pardon me...

Allow me to let you in on a little secret about me...

There are some that read between the lines...

Then you have me...

Who reads between the lines between the lines...

You question me...You judge me...You ridicule me...You pity me...

Yet you don't know me...

Are you that arrogant and selfish...that...you deny me the same fairness that you wish for yourself?

Are you afraid?


You should be...

Now back to the story...

Allow me to let you in on a little secret...

The battle was won before you even stated you position...

My secret weapon...

Heartless mindless...control...

"You'll only know what I allow you to know or that which I wish for you to convince yourself to believe"

Scared now?

You definately should be...

The battle has yet to begin...

And yet you still have lost...

Scared yet...



You should be terrified.

My anger obeys me...

It remains in silence...

It hides behind these eyes...

Behind this smile...

It is so stealthy that it even hides behind the very beat of your so called heart...

Don't be ashamed...

You were merely a canvas...

A material needed to paint my beautiful story of your self inflicted demise...

My secret weapon...

Has a secret weapon...

When I cut out my heart and my thoughts...

They in turn...

Cut out your hope...

Are you afraid...




This is not a warning...

This is just an introduction to where you end...

And I begin...

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Fade to Black/Dawn of a New Me: Fatal Love

Sometimes I wanna dieeeee
Sometimes I wanna cryyyyy
Sometimes I wonder whyyy
Why you came into my lifffe
Just to make me die insiiiiide
Tell me
What the fuck do you get
From being such a bitcccch
I had enough of this shitttt
I had enough of this shitttt
I had enough of this shitttt
So i'm gettin the fuck outta herrrre
This time I mean itttt
My fuckin name is Sincerrrrre
My fuckin name is Sincerrrrre
My fuckin name is Sincerrrrre
You see I mean it so you bring out those fake tears
You've been doin that shit for yearrrrrs
But this time i'm thinking clearrrr
Don't flash those breasts over herrrre
Don't flash those breasts over herrrre
Don't flash those breasts over herrrre
You're no longer part of my world
What do you mean that I can't leave?
I'm no longer your hostage emotionally
I found the strength that I neeeed
I found the strength that I neeeed
I found the strength that I neeeed
The strength I need to fuckin leavvvve
So step aside and let me leave
Go on with your life an let me beee
Please step aside so I can leavvvve
Can't you see what you've done to meee?
Can I give you one more chance?the answers nooooo
Can I give you one more chance?the answers nooooo
Where the hell did you get that gun and what is it for?
Let's stay calm and talk
Baby let's stay calm and talk
Where did you get that gun...
What is it for...
Will I give you another chance?
The answers nooooo


Friday, 5 December 2008

Sincerest Thought of the day: Vanity

What up people?So yeah today I woke up feeling great.A little queezy but great.And I looked beautiful.Like pretty.You ever get sick and then when you get better you're just glowing?So i wash my face then look in the mirror then actually did a double take.I was like wow...Damn...Shit...Shit I look amazing.LMAO.Come on now you know you get like that sometimes.Well most of you...some of you are like pig ugly dog trolls.Sike nah i'm just joking.But yeah I looked fly.Yesssssir.LOL

Now on to the thought of the day...

"Fuck what everyone feels about you.It doesn't matter.Love yourself.If you don't...who will?"



Thursday, 4 December 2008

Sincerest Thought of the day: *sigh*

Day 2.LOL. So yeah i'm still sick as fuck.But I just bought myself some organic honey,more ginger and lemon.I'm sooo about to fuck this cold up.The vomiting has stopped so i'm thankful for that.Yayy to no vomiting.So yeah i'm gonna stick to the daily blogging as I said in the other one even if its just one thought or line or two. So here goes...

"When you can't do what you want where you want to...Do what you can where you are"

Smile for me.



Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Sincerest Thought of the day:Relationships

Good morning everyone,

I woke up this morning sick as fuck.Nausea,Chills,runny/stuffy nose the whole nine.wtf? Alas...I decided to go into work anyway.That lasted a good hour.Now i'm back home.Vomiting doesn't go well with customers.Not even a little bit...

But yeah I decided to make my blogging more frequent.Even if it's just something like a single thought.So today since everyone seems to be going through relationship problems I decided to share my thoughts...

"I may not be everything you want.But that doesn't mean that I'm not everything you need"

That's seriously my thought on the whole dating game and relationship thing at the moment.We have to learn to stop being greedy.

And on that note homemade Ginger,Lemon,and Echinacea tea...You are my lover today.Come to me...

